Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monte is Missing

This morning when John woke up he noticed that our almost 9 year old cat, Monte was missing. He then realized that he didnt remember seeing him last night. Not sure exactly how he got out. Maybe Gavin let or put him out or maybe he climbed out of our screen that came open before John fixed it. Monte isnt the type that goes out ever. He's 6 pounds and honestly not the outdoor type. He's much more fragile than the normal cat. He's gotten out once before and hid under our neighbors shed.

We've had Monte since he was 4 weeks old. John found him while he was working for Medic One when dropping a patient off. He notcied Monte had something in his eye so he caught him and took him to the vet. It ended up being a grub growing under jis skin. We had it removed and brought him home. We couldnt get him to eat the whole weekend so we called the vet back. We took him in that Sunday as an emergency and he was very dehydrated. The vet kept him for a whole week and gave him fluids. After that week he came home and was as good as new. It was ironic that John found Monte at that time because only a few weeks before I put my cat Picasso down. Picasso was my baby and Monte came at a time when I really needed him. He looks a lot like Picasso, but half the size.

Monte is very loving and affectionate. He loves for you to let him lay on your shoulder or leg. He'll knead you to death to show how much he really loves you. I pray to God that he comes home. I'm very heartbroken over this. He just has to come home. I love you, Monte.



Please Monte we all wish you to come home, your Mommy and Daddy, brother and sister miss you! You cousin is worried about you, may God lead you back home!

Meghan Mathiau

Sorry you guys! I really hope he comes home.Make tons of posters! I'm sure he will come. Love you guys and will be praying for ya!

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