Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And, it's been awhile...

I know it's been a long time since I last blogged. I've been super busy though. Between John having class 3 nights a week, me working, and taking care of 2 kids, it's tough to find "me" time!

September 6, 2011 we welcomed Miss Fiona Lynn McMahan to the world at 9:22am via c-section. My surgery went well, but my section was much harder this time than with Gavin. They gave me a spinal instead of epidural and it made me feel like I couldnt breathe, I didnt like that one bit. I got sick, but after that I felt much better and they started my section. Fiona was born weighing 9lbs 6oz, just 2 oz shy of her big brother's weight.

Fiona is a great baby. She's been sleeping 5-6 hour stretches since we came home, started sleeping 8 hour stretches at 6 weeks, and by 7 weeks most nights she sleeps 10-12 hours stretches. She's very laid back. She keeps her self content in her bumbo or play mat. As long as she can see and hear us she's good.

John will start student teaching this winter and will graduate in May! We're very excited for him to finish this journey.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

17 more days!

I cannot believe that in 17 days or less we will be meeting our baby girl! And the world will know her name! Most of my pregnancy has gone pretty smooth, but since about 34 weeks I've been really uncomfortable. I've had lots of pressure and back ache in my lower right back. Being pregnant with a toddler is much more difficult! That's for sure! I started back to work on Thursday. It;s been tough and my feet started swelling this week. 10 workdays and I'm done for 6-8 weeks!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

2 months!

In 2 months (61 days) our baby girl will be here. Hard to believe that we're almost there. Seems like it was just yesterday that we found out we were expecting. My sister will fly in Sept 4th from AZ and my csection is scheduled for Sept 6. On Saturday I will be 31 weeks, its so crazy how quickly a pregnancy goes while your chasing a toddler around. I will go back to work in August and work the teacher workdays and possibly the first 2 days of school. John will be subbing for my maternity leave. I'll be teaching 4th grade this year, I'm looking forward to less "needy" students but I will miss my assistant so much. Anyways, that's all that's new with me for now!

Monday, May 16, 2011

2 years?!?!?!

I can't believe that in 12 days my Gavin will be 2 years old! How is this possible? How is it that my son will be 2 years old? Seems like yesterday that we just brought him home from the hospital. I wouldn't change a thing though, he is the light of our lives. Don't get me wrong being a mother is tiring and very trying at times especially toddlerhood, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. He has brought so much happiness to our lives and I am so BLESSED! I know he is going to be a great big brother!

Speaking of big brother! As most of you know, we're expecting a baby girl! We've decided to keep her name a secret until birth! So all I will tell you is her middle name will be Lynn like mine and my dad's. I've always planned to give my daughter someday my middle name. I've decided for another csection with this pregnancy unless I go into labor on my own, I will try. With my last pregnancy and not progressing, its very likely for that to happen to me again. Plus there's always a chance of complications because of having a previous csection. So my csection will be scheduled for 9/6. The 6th of September would of been my mom's 60th birthday. I'm so excited to have my daughter on her grandmother's bday! My sister Sarah will be coming all the way from AZ to help us with Gavin while delivering and we are so very thankful for that! = ]

Well, that's it for now! I promise to try to update more than I have! I havent been very good since getting pregnant with my blogging!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Addition in September 2011!

On January 2, 2011, John and I found out that we would be expecting a new addition to the family on our 6th wedding anniversary, September 17, 2011!

I had my first prenatal appointment on Wednesday, February 2, 2011. Everything looked good, uterus felt the size it should and had my routine pap. Doctor and I talked about my delivery options. She said more than likely I will have another csection again because of my history. When they induced me with Gavin my body didnt progress and more than likely that would happen again. She said that they wouldnt be able to give me meds to move it along because they could rupture my csection/uterus and that would be fatal to me and baby in a matter of minutes. However, if I did go into labor on my own, we could do a VBAC (vaginal birth after csection). I was kinda bummed about not ever having a vaginal delivery, but it is what it is. I have to do what is best for me and baby. Plus not to mention Gavin was 9lbs 7.5oz and that was a week early. She said on average 2nd babies are a pound bigger! YIKES!!! So, since I've had some spotting this pregnancy (did with Gavin too) she wanted me to come in for a u/s on Friday

Yesterday's u/s was good. Saw the heartbeat and got to hear it too! It was 174 bpm! and the baby was measuring a week ahead (just like Gavy). I'm 8 weeks today! 4 more weeks of the first trimester!